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Some Rockin'

Graham, Dan (1942-....). Auteur

Stemmrich, Gregor. Éditeur scientifique

Edité par Sternberg Press - 2023

"Dan Graham was a contrarian. His art confronted viewers with a multiplicity of possible perceptions and intersubjective experiences. "Some Rockin' " was his last project and- throught conversations with friends, artists, architects, curators, and former assistants - articulates his sensitivity to context, media, and people. The interviews address rock music and urbanism, humor and astrology, history and the hybrid form. Mediating historical and social experience was a major concern of his. "The Museum in Evolution", an essay he finished just before his death, and published here, highlights that nothing is final in becoming. Rather, it allows for : Somr Rockin'." (les presses du réel)

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