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Love medecine

Erdrich, Louise (1954-....). Auteur

Edité par Harper perennial - 2004

Set on and around a North Dakota reservation, "Love medecine" tells the story of the Lamartines and the Kashpaws - two extraordinary families whose fates are united and sustained in a harsh world by the strength and diversity of their love...

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Ce qui a dévoré nos coeurs

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The master butchers singing club | Erdrich, Louise (1954-....). Auteur

The master butchers singing club

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The round house | Erdrich, Louise (1954-....)

The round house

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One Sunday in 1988, thirteen-year-old Joe Coutts learns that his mother has been the victim of a brutal attack by a man on their North Dakota reservation. Joe's mother is traumatized and afraid. This title tells the story of a you...

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