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You're the one that i want

Fletcher, Giovanna

Edité par Penguin books - 2014

Maddy, dressed in white, stands at the back of the church. At the end of the aisle is Rob - the man she’s about to marry. Next to Rob is Ben - best man and the best friend any two people ever had. And that’s the problem. Because if it wasn’t Rob waiting for her at the altar, there’s a strong chance it would be Ben. Loyal and sensitive Ben has always kept is feelings to himself, but if he turned round and told Maddy she was making a mistake, would she listen? And would he be right ? Best friends since childhood, Maddy, Ben and Rob thought their bond was unbreakable. But love changes everything. Maddy has a choice to make but will she choose wisely ? Her heart, and the hearts of the two best men she knows, depend on it...

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Du même auteur

Eve of man. 1 | Fletcher, Giovanna. Auteur

Eve of man. 1

Fletcher, Giovanna | Livre | Milan jeunesse | 2020

Imaginez qu’aucune femme ne soit née sur Terre depuis cinquante ans. Imaginez qu’enfin, une fille, une unique fille, naisse. L’avenir de l’humanité repose sur elle. Comment va-t-elle réussir à se rendre maîtresse de son destin ?

Eve of man. 2, Des  illusions | Fletcher, Giovanna. Auteur

Eve of man. 2, Des illusions

Fletcher, Giovanna | Livre | Milan jeunesse | 2021

Eve est la dernière femme au monde en âge de procréer et d'elle dépend l'avenir de l'humanité. A 16 ans, elle s'évade de la tour qui la retient prisonnière depuis l'enfance. Electre 2021

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